Rent vs Buy: The pros and cons post-pandemic
Rent vs buy: it’s the big dilemma of our generation. Is rent money really dead money? And what are the pros and cons of each in Australia’s post-pandemic climate?
Rent vs buy: it’s the big dilemma of our generation. Is rent money really dead money? And what are the pros and cons of each in Australia’s post-pandemic climate?
Topics: Research, Personal Debt, buying a house, renting a house, buying, renting, rent vs buy, Loans Refinancing
In a recent analysis of Debt Rescue data, we have identified there has been a 271% increase in clients entering new Debt Agreements, who have accumulated an Afterpay debt over the last 6 months compared to be previous 6 months.
Topics: Research
While money might make the world go around, it remains on the big three conversation categories to avoid at a dinner party. It is also one of the biggest causes for marital and relationship breakdowns.
Topics: Research
The Mission Australia 2012 Youth Survey spoke to 15,351 people aged 15 to 19 and asked them about their concerns, values, support systems and activities. Almost one third of respondents rated the economy and financial matters as the most important issue in Australia today.
Topics: Research
Escalating personal debt is having a huge emotional impact on Australians, , with over 65% of Australians dealing with a form of financial stress, according to research conducted by the Centre for Social Impact.
Topics: Research
An Informal Agreement can be a lifesaver for many, with lots of perks. Here at Debt Rescue, we offer our own Informal Agreement called a Debtstroyer Agreement. Despite the many benefits, there are a few risky downfalls to entering an Informal Agreement that you should keep in mind.
Topics: Research, Informal Agreement
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Debt Rescue Pty Ltd is a company that is part of Revive Financial Group Pty Ltd (Group). All of our Australian Credit Licenced activities within our Group are undertaken by our related bodies corporate Revive Financial Lending Pty Ltd ACN 152 573 610, Australian Credit Licence 418721 and Revive Financial Pty Ltd ACN 621 446 697, Australian Credit Licence 503321 and Revive Debt Agreements Pty Ltd CAN 133 509 654, Authorised Credit Representative Number 452856 and Registered Debt Agreement Administrator Number: 1337. Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.
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