5 Questions to Ask Before Applying for a Loan
Thinking of taking on more debt? Make sure you ask these key questions before applying for a loan. Find out what they are and access our handy calculators.
Thinking of taking on more debt? Make sure you ask these key questions before applying for a loan. Find out what they are and access our handy calculators.
Topics: Budgeting, Personal Debt, Interest Rates, budgeting calculator, Debt Management, advice, personal loan, money management, before applying for a loan, loan term, questions, loan calculators
From the cost of living payment 2022 to increases in welfare support, explore what’s currently on offer. Plus, see how budgeting can help ease the pinch.
Topics: Personal Debt, government support, Debt Management, debt advice, cost of living payment 2022, welfare support, pensioner support, centrelink, concession card, cost of living calculator, rising cost of living
Cash flow held up by unpaid customer invoices and bad debt? Follow our recommendations on how to get invoices paid on time and successfully reduce bad debt.
Topics: Business Debt, Debt Management, bad debt, outstanding invoices, get invoices paid on time, reduce bad debts
If you’re currently asking, “Should I Pay off Debt or Save for a House Deposit?” we can help. Hint: the best answer for you depends on your goals and situation
Topics: Budgeting, debt calculator, pay off debt, buying a house, Debt Management, save for a house deposit, money management, debt advice
Struggling with your monthly repayments? Rising living costs & the recent interest rate hike a worry? Determine whether refinancing is a good option for you.
Topics: Bankruptcy, Debt Consolidation, Personal Debt, Debt Management, home loan refinancing, home equity loans, HELOC, refinancing, personal loan, bad debt
Are debt collector phone calls causing you ongoing stress because you’re struggling and unable to pay? Learn more about your rights and what you can do.
Topics: Budgeting, Personal Debt, credit score, Debt Management, ATo debt, ATO Payment Plan, advice, debt collection, consumer debt law
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Debt Rescue Pty Ltd is a company that is part of Revive Financial Group Pty Ltd (Group). All of our Australian Credit Licenced activities within our Group are undertaken by our related bodies corporate Revive Financial Lending Pty Ltd ACN 152 573 610, Australian Credit Licence 418721 and Revive Financial Pty Ltd ACN 621 446 697, Australian Credit Licence 503321 and Revive Debt Agreements Pty Ltd CAN 133 509 654, Authorised Credit Representative Number 452856 and Registered Debt Agreement Administrator Number: 1337. Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.
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