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    1800 003 328


    Debt consolidation: Is Easter the time to put all your eggs in one basket?

    How does debt consolidation work? What are the benefits? And what do you need to consider? Crack Easter stress by turning multiple debts into one fixed payment.

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    Topics: Debt Consolidation, debt, debt help, Calculator, debt calculator, debt consolidation loans, personal loan for debt

    JobKeeper and JobSeeker Supplement payments are ending – How will it affect you?

    Currently receiving JobKeeper or JobSeeker Coronavirus Supplement payments? How will you budget when they stop in March? Here’s what you need to know.

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    Topics: Budgeting, Debt Consolidation, Personal Debt, debt, debt help, Calculator, Budget Planner, JobKeeper, JobSeeker, coronavirus supplement, Job Keeper Changes, jobkeeper dates, centrelink jobkeeper

    Why low interest rates are ripe for refinancing.

    As interest rates remain low and mortgage freezes end, now could be the perfect time to refinance your home loan. Fixed or variable? Use our online calculator.

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    Topics: Budgeting, Debt Consolidation, Mortgage Refinancing, Home Loans, Bad Credit Loans, Personal Debt, debt, debt help, Current Interest Rates, Mortgage Freeze, Interest Rates, Calculator, Budget Planner, Reserve Bank Australia