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    Private Health Insurance: An Infographic

    Posted by Debt Rescue on May 25, 2018 11:34:00 AM

    Private health insurers continue to increase premium prices, leaving many people wondering if private health insurance is worth the cost. Many Australians still see private health insurance as a necessity, despite having access to Medicare. Shorter wait times, choice of practitioner, and excellent quality of care are the main reasons for people accessing private health insurance.


    From maternity to massage, there is something for every Australian of every age. So what exactly are we accessing? There are two main types of private health insurance, hospital cover, and extras cover. Hospital cover, just like the name says, covers you for hospital stays, surgery, and other medical treatment needing medical practitioners. Extras cover gives you access to a range of allied services including chiropractic, dental and optical.

    We are lucky in Australia to have a fantastic free healthcare system, but if you want the freedom and security of private health insurance there are a number of providers offering competitive premiums. If you are under the age of 31 you should look at signing up now. If you do it later down the track you will be subject to Lifetime Health Cover, a government loading initiative designed to encourage Australians to take out and maintain health coverage.

    We’ve put together a snapshot of private health insurance in Australia, take a look at where you fit in!


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