Tackling Debt Head On
Free Financial assistance in the Northern Territory is available through a number of government and charity services. As a trusted provider of debt relief solutions in Australia, people often ask the professionals at Debt Rescue where they can find free financial assistance in the Northern Territory.
To assist people through financial hardship, Debt Rescue has put together the following list of free financial assistance in the Northern Territory. The below information has been collated to assist you to get out of debt. If you find you still struggle financially or the assistance isn't enough to cover your debts, call Debt Rescue. Debt Rescue can help you with budgeting, debt consolidation, debt agreements and bankruptcy.
Financial Counselling: a Road Map to Financial Health
Financial Counselling is free financial assistance in the Northern Territory for residents who are struggling with their financial management. If you are having trouble juggling bills, keeping up with repayments and don't know if you can afford basic essentials such as food and petrol, this service would benefit you.
A financial counsellor can assess your current financial situation and determine whether you are getting all the rebates and assistance on offer, show you better ways to manage your money and suggest the best plan of action to get you back on track. The Northern Territory offers free financial counselling through a number of organisations. Anglicare NT offers Territory-wide assistance, Somerville Community Services can help the Darwin area while Tangentyere Council services the Alice Springs Area.
Free Financial Assistance in the Northern Territory for Everyday Purchases
If you need assistance in purchasing an essential everyday item, such as a fridge, washing machine, television or even once off medical costs, you could apply for a No Interest Loan through the No Interest Loan Scheme. The No Interest Loan Scheme provides eligible applicants with up to $1200 to spend on everyday expenses. To see if you are eligible for this free financial assistance in the Northern Territory and for more information on the No Interest Loan Scheme, click here.
Rental Bond Assistance
If you are looking for free financial assistance in the Northern Territory and you are a low income earner struggling to afford the upfront costs of private rentals, there is assistance available to help you. Renting privately requires the down payment of a bond, which for many low income earners, is hard to find upfront. Territory Housing can assist you in the way of a no interest loan which can be used to pay your bond and initial rent payments. Bond assistance is only available to eligible residents of the Northern Territory.
Assistance for Energy Bills at Home
With the cost of utilities rising across the country, it is becoming harder and harder for Aussies to pay their bills when they arrive. If you are already receiving certain benefits or payments from Centrelink, you might also be eligible for Utilities Allowance. Utilities Allowance helps you cover the cost of everyday household bills such as energy, rates, water and sewerage. It is not taxed and is not income or assets tested. To find out more about this free financial assistance in the Northern Territory, click here.
Government Concessions
Government concession cards provide discounts and special offers on a number of essential services, from health checks to public transport. To find all the benefits associated with a concession card, click here.
Save On Bills
If you are just interested in cutting back on your regular expenses to have more money to put away for a rainy day, visit Save On Bills. Save on bills offers free financial assistance in the Northern Territory by providing you with articles, tips and tricks to cut back and save money.
What Else Can I Do?
If none of the free financial assistance in the Northern Territory listed above can help you, you might need to take a tougher approach to your debt. Debt Rescue specialises in a number of debt relief options to ensure you are matched with the best possible solution for your situation. For more information call Debt Rescue and talk to an Aussie who Cares.