1800 003 328
    1800 003 328

    Financial Counsellors to Help With Debt

    Posted by Debt Rescue on Jul 23, 2013 2:46:00 AM

    At Debt Rescue, we speak to hundreds of Aussies each week who are struggling with their finances. We pride ourselves in providing holistic and suitable debt relief to people struggling with their debts. Sometimes the best thing we can do is refer people to free financial counsellors in their state to ensure they get sound financial advice and assistance to curb their growing debt.


    To assist people like you in their journey to financial freedom, we have put together a list of free financial counsellors in each state and territory. Each of these providers will be able to advise you on the best way to move forward and plan your way out of debt. They can inform you of government grants, loan schemes and assistance available to you to help improve your situation. They can also refer you to other financial services, such as budgeting experts and accountants who might be able to help you out of debt or offer you advice.

    If your debts are out of control and you are looking at declaring bankruptcy, Debt Rescue may be able to assist you. We can often help our clients get out of debt without having to declare bankruptcy. As well as referring our clients to other financial counsellors, we can help you refinance, consolidate your debt, enter an informal debt agreement or enter a Part 9 Debt Agreement to avoid gong bankrupt. Debt help is available to those who need it in Australia.

    Financial Counsellors Across the Country


    Consumer Action Law Centre: 1800 466 477

    MoneyHelp: 1800 007 007

    New South Wales

    Credit and Debt Hotline: 1800 808 488

    Financial Counsellors' Association of New South Wales: 1300 914 408


    Care Financial Counselling Service: 1800 007 007

    Salvation Army Moneycare: 02-6247 3635

    Lifeline gambling and financial counselling: 02 6247 0655

    South Australia

    South Australian Financial Counsellors Association: 1800 007 007

    Doorways Telephone Financial Counselling 1800 007 007

    Western Australia

    Financial Counselling Hotline: 1800 007 007

    Consumer Credit Legal Service: 08 9221 7066

    Financial Counsellors Association of Western Australia: 08 9325 1617


    Anglicare Financial Counselling Service: 1800 243 232

    Consumer Credit Advocate, Hobart Community Legal Service: 1800 232 500


    Financial First Aid: 1300 370 255

    Financial Counselling Hotline: 1800 007 007

    Northern Territory

    Financial Counselling Hotline: 1800 007 007

    Somerville Community Services

    Darwin, Katherine and Palmerston: 1800 007 007

    Anglicare NT Financial Counselling

    Darwin Financial Counselling Service: 08 8985 0000

    Katherine Financial Counselling Service: 08 8972 1571

    East Arnhem Financial Counselling Service: 08 8987 3022

    Top End Financial Counselling Service: 08 8985 0000

    Alice Springs Financial Counselling Service: 08 8951 8000

    Tangentyere Council Financial Counselling Service: 08 8951 4257

    Topics: Debt Relief