There are plenty of things you could do with your tax return, but what should you be doing with it? While it is tempting to blow it all on a new TV, putting your tax money toward your debts can help you pay off your loans faster and save thousands in interest. Debt Rescue talked to The Sunday Mail about Australians needing to be responsible with their tax return.
Tax return time has a tendency to create a frenzy akin to the Boxing Day sales with people splurging their refunds like they were not spending real money. But if you are among the estimated 70 per cent of Australian households affected by some form of debt stress, why not resist the urge to buy up during the "end of financial year sales" and instead put your tax return to better use?
"When the return arrives, take five minutes, a deep breath, be a grown-up for a bit and have a bit of a think tank."
Anyone experiencing problems with debt can contact Debt Rescue toll free on 1800 003 328.