Have you received a call from a debt collector? Are you worried they will turn up on your doorstep tomorrow and demand collection of your debt? If you’ve missed a repayment on your credit card or home loan due to circumstances out of your control, the last thing you want is to have ongoing phone calls from a debt collector demanding money you don’t have. This can feel like harassment and make an incredibly stressful situation even worse.
While dealing with an overdue debt can be overwhelming, it’s much easier to manage when you understand the process involved. So If you’re being contacted by a debt collector and unsure of what they’re allowed to do, our ultimate guide will go through everything you need to know about debt collectors and the best way to deal with them.
What is a Debt Collector?
What are Debt Collectors Allowed to do?
What are They Not Allowed to do?
Are Debt Collectors Allowed to Contact Family Members?
Can Debt Collectors Charge You Interest?
What Happens if You Ignore Debt Collectors?
What’s the Best Way to Deal with Debt Collectors?
How We Can Help
A debt collector is a person or an agency who regularly collects debts owed to others when they are overdue. Debt collectors can include a creditor, service provider or debt collection agency. Some providers and banks have their own, internal debt collection teams, whereas others may pass the debts onto a third-party debt collection company. A debt collector can contact you as soon as you have an outstanding debt. They may repeatedly call you on an unknown or private number until you pick up the phone. They can contact you to:
Fortunately, the Government has strict recommendations around how often a debt collector can contact you.
To seek recovery of your debts, debt collectors are allowed to contact you by phone, letter, email, social media or by visiting you in person. However, there are limitations on when they can contact you and the number of times they can do so.
On public holidays, debt collectors are not allowed to contact you at all. If you’re facing debt stress and are having to deal with a debt collector, it’s important for you to keep a record of all communications with them. This includes the date, time and point of contact.
Although debt collectors are allowed to contact you, there are debt collection laws which they must adhere to.
Debt collectors fall under the Commonwealth consumer protection laws, including the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 and the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009. These protection laws mean debt collectors aren’t allowed to:
Breaching the Commonwealth consumer protection laws comes with serious penalties. If you experience a debt collector breaking any of the above conditions, you should contact the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) or the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) immediately.
By law, a debt collector is not allowed to threaten or use physical force of any kind towards you, any member of your family or a third party connected to you to try and collect your debt. They can, however, contact a family member, friend of third party to obtain location information on you. During this contact, they aren’t allowed to reveal they are a debt collector or provide any information about your financial situation to another person without your permission.
A debt collector can speak about your debt with your lawyer or spouse, but no one else. If they reveal anything about your debt to anyone else without your permission, they are in breach of your consumer rights. When a debt collector conducts a face-to-face visit, they must respect your right to privacy in front of family members, friends and third parties (such as your neighbours).
Having a debt collector chasing you is stressful enough, but when they tack on extra interest rates and fees the situation makes a turn for the worse. Fortunately, a debt collector is not allowed to charge you interest and fees that aren’t a part of the original debt. Debt collectors can, however, charge you for the interest and fees outlined in your original debt contract. For example, if your original contract didn’t include a late payment fee, the debt collector is not allowed to add one on.
This rule helps prevent debt collectors from being so demanding, as they can’t raise interest rates and fees just because you don’t answer the phone. They are also not allowed to double or triple the amount of debt you owe them just because they think it’s the right decision. A debt collector must follow the rules outlines in your original contract, but unfortunately, it doesn’t mean you can ignore them and hope they disappear.
If a debt collector is hounding you and you know you don’t have the money to pay off your debts, you may be tempted to ignore the debt collector altogether and hope they leave you alone. However, ignoring debt collectors will lead to consequences, so it’s best if you don’t ignore them. These consequences include:
It’s always better for you to focus on settling your debt rather than ignoring the debt collector’s attempts at getting into contact with you.
Being in debt and having to deal with debt collectors can become a frustrating and stressful experience, but there are steps you can take to make the process easier. If a debt collector gets in contact with you, you should:
If you are feeling overwhelmed by your debt and feeling harassed by debt collector calls, then an easy option to stop the calls is to enlist the help of a debt solutions company. They’ll be able to arrange a personalised financial solution between you and your creditors without you needing to talk to any of them. They take over all communication with creditors so communication from debt collectors will cease immediately.
Debt Rescue provides a range of solutions to cover any debt situation you may be in. See what your options are now with our free Instant Online Assessment. We know how stressful debt can be and we are here to take the stress away, not add to it. Get in touch with us today on 1800 003 328 for a free consultation and get back to living your life debt-free.