Articles | Debt Rescue

Discover Free Financial Assistance in New South Wales with Debt Rescue

Written by Debt Rescue | Mar 13, 2013 2:14:00 PM

Debt Rescue receives a number of calls every week from distressed people looking for free financial assistance in New South Wales. These people are struggling to make ends meet and need some advice, help or even a hand out to get them through this difficult period in their lives.

While Debt Rescue can assist with a number of debt relief solutions, we can also point these people in the right direction to find free financial assistance in New South Wales.The following links and information will point you in the right direction to find free financial assistance in New South Wales and might help you get back on your feet. If you find your debts are too high for the assistance to be effective or you need a more direct way to tackle your debt, call Debt Rescue.

Free Financial Assistance in New South Wales

You can find free financial assistance in New South Wales through financial counselling programs and services.The New South Wales Government allocates funding to the Financial Counselling Services Program. This program allows financial counsellors to provide free financial assistance in New South Wales to people in dire need.

These financial counsellors can assist people with debt and credit management, financial education and counselling. A financial counsellor will get an understanding of your situation and suggest things you can do to improve your circumstances.

Financial Assistance for Everyday Purchases

If you are having trouble purchasing everyday goods, such as a fridge, washing machine, television or even medical expenses, you could apply for a No Interest Loan. The No Interest Loan Scheme in New South Wales will lend people up to $1200 to assist them in the purchase of everyday essential items.

The money is lent free of any interest, but is only available to eligible borrowers. This is a wonderful form of free financial assistance in New South Wales if you are eligible. For more information on the No Interest Loan Scheme, click here.

Mortgage Assistance

If you have suffered an unavoidable change in your life which has prevented you from being able to afford your mortgage repayments, you might be eligible for mortgage assistance.

Housing NSW can provide you with up to $20,000 over the period of a year. You can use this free financial assistance in New South Wales to make your repayments and/or repay the arrears on your home. You are only eligible for mortgage assistance if your financial difficulties are serious and were caused by an unavoidable change in your situation.

For more information on Mortgage Assistance in New South Wales and for the full criteria, view the fact sheet by clicking here.

Rental Assistance

Rentstart is a program offered by the New South Wales Government which provides free financial assistance in New South Wales to help set up or maintain a tenancy in the private rental market. Rentstart assistance includes a number of different loan schemes to help eligible tenants in a number of situations. Rentstart payments can help with your bond, finding advanced rent, rent assistance for tenants facing eviction due to late rent and can even provide temporary accommodation. Rentstart is available only to eligible tenants. For more information or to find out if you are eligible, click here.

Assistance for Energy Bills at Home

If you are having trouble paying you electricity bill, you may be able to apply for the Family Energy Rebate. The New South Wales Family Energy Rebate helps eligible family households pay their electricity bills by offering them an annual $75 credit on an electricity bill. You need to apply for the Family Energy Rebate before 5pm on June 14.

All you need to be eligible for the rebate is to be eligible for the Federal Government's Family Tax Benefit A or B, be a resident of New South Wales and have you name listed on electricity bills from your provider. If you are eligible for both the Family Energy Rebate and the Low Income Household Rebate you can receive more support in the form of an annual, combined, capped rebate of $250.

Government Concessions

Each State in Australia offers concession cards to eligible residents. These cards provide their holders with a number of discounts and rebates across a range of living expenses, from health checks, to public transport. These cards provide free financial assistance in New South Wales for seniors and other eligible holders.

For a list of concession cards available in New South Wales click here.

Save on Bills

If you are just interested in cutting back on your regular expenses to have more money to put away for a rainy day, visit Save On Bills.

Save on Bills is a website filled with savings tips and advice to help you cut back on your expenses and save money at home. It has a list of ways to save money and fin free financial assistance in New South Wales.

What Else Can I do?

If none of the free financial assistance in New South Wales listed above can help you, you might need to take a more direct approach to your debt. Debt Rescue specialises in a number of debt relief options to ensure you are matched with the best possible solution for your situation.

For more information call Debt Rescue and Talk to an Aussie Who cares.