When debt is out of control you can use debt negotiation to get back on track. Debt Negotiation gives you the opportunity to reduce the overall amount of debt you owe to your creditors. Debt Negotiation is perfect for people who have has a sudden change in their circumstances and would like to review their debt repayments.
Debt Negotiation is usually done by professionals who can assess your situation, help to understand what you can afford to pay and negotiate with your creditors on your behalf for a positive outcome.
Debt Negotiation plays an active role in a number of debt relief strategies. It helps to reduce the overall amount of debt you owe, making your repayments more manageable.
A Debtstroyer Agreement is a form of debt relief for people who have experienced a dramatic change in their circumstances, such as job loss, illness and injury. These events could prevent you from being able to afford your debt repayments for the foreseeable future. Debtstroyer Agreement is a form of Debt Negotiation which will provide you with relief from your debt until you get back on your feet.
Our Professional Case Managers can reduce your debt, pause your interest and get your creditors off your back. A Debtstroyer Agreement is an informal debt agreement so it won't leave a mark on your credit file.
A Debt Agreement is another debt relief solution which relies on Debt Negotiation. It is similar to a Debtstroyer Agreement but it is better suited to people who have simply fallen behind. Our Case Managers will work with you to determine how much you can afford and negotiate with your creditors to make your repayments more affordable. A Formal Debt Agreement is governed by ITSA and will appear on your credit file.
Debt Rescue is a personal debt management company specialising in Debt Negotiation and Debt Relief solutions. If you would like help negotiating your debts or if you are looking for a way out of debt call Debt Rescue today and Talk to an Aussie Who Cares.