Articles | Debt Rescue

Creative Ways to Make Money During the Coronavirus Lockdown

Written by Debt Rescue | Apr 27, 2020 4:00:00 AM

As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, many Australians are now out of work and have been forced to face an uncertain financial future for the very first time. Shops, restaurants, cinemas and even beauty salons have closed due to strict social distancing rules – causing Australia’s unemployment rate to skyrocket with many people sinking deeper into debt due to increased financial insecurity. This leaves many Australians left wondering, “How am I going to make money during the Coronavirus?”

It’s time to get creative and find out how to use your skillset in ways you’ve never thought of before to make it through this challenging financial time, so we’ve put together the top 7 ways to make money safely at home during the Coronavirus lockdown.

1. Turn Your Passion into Profit

We’ve all got our hobbies – pastimes that we dedicated some of our spare hours to because we find them fun or fulfilling. With everyone on lockdown and spending copious amounts of time at home, now is the perfect time to turn your hobby into an income stream. Depending on how you direct your talents and interests, you can get anything from free stuff to extra spending money to a full-fledged business or platform for marketing your own products – all by spending time doing something you enjoy.

Here’s a list of everyday hobbies that can make you money:

  • Writing
  • Painting
  • Cooking
  • Photography
  • DIY crafts such as making candles, bath bombs, soaps, jewelry and birthday cards
  • Building furniture
  • Sculpting

 Websites you can use to sell your hobbies include Facebook, Etsy, Shopify and Gumtree.

2. Get Paid for Your Opinion

One of the easiest ways to make money at home during the Coronavirus crisis is to complete online surveys. Of course, spending an hour every day taking surveys won’t make you rich, but every little bit helps when you’ve lost your income.

Market-research firms are hired by big companies to get inside the heads of consumers – and offer money for you just to let them know your opinion on a multitude of subjects. Surveys can take anywhere from 5 minutes up to 30, offering a different amount of money each time. If you get lucky, there are sometimes surveys that can pay $50 or $100. These, however, generally require more involvement, like participating in an online focus group or testing out a new product and providing feedback. So even spending an hour a day completing surveys may help you make upwards of $50 a week.

Two of the best survey websites currently available in Australia are MyOpinions and Pureprofile.

3. Clean Out Your House and Cash in

When you take a step back and look at the Coronavirus from a positive angle, one of the best things about it is that it’s providing many Australians with free time they never had. Pollinate and Social Soup’s survey of over 1,000 Australian households found that the top activity we are busy doing is cleaning and organising the home.

Cleaning out your house is a great way to make some money at home. There may be a number of items you’ve stored away in the garage or things you simply don’t use anymore which you can benefit from financially. Some items may include:

  • Old electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablets
  • Clothes you don’t wear anymore, or that aren’t the right size
  • Purses, shoes, makeup
  • Video games, board games

A great way to approach selling your unwanted items would be to place them on Facebook Marketplace or your local community board.

4. Become an Online Tutor

The demand for online tutors is increasing at staggering levels, with Technavio’s latest market research report finding that the demand will be growing by more than 15% over the next five years. While many Australians are forced to stay home during the Coronavirus outbreak, becoming an online tutor through websites such as Learnmate is not only a good way to make money, but also gives you the satisfaction that you’re helping to teach students all around the world.

5. Freelance

There are plenty of work-from-home jobs that don’t require any experience. By opening accounts on websites like Fiverr and Airtasker, you can start doing some extra freelance work from the comfort of your own home. Depending on your skills, you can have the ability to work as a:

  • Writer, Blogger, Editor or Proofreader,
  • Graphic Designer,
  • Web Developer,
  • HR Consultant,
  • Project Manager, and much more!

6. Offer Childcare and Babysitting Services

Although schools and daycares are still operating for essential workers, many parents who continue to work away from home are scrambling to find childcare solutions. If you have a Blue Card and experience looking after children, you can still offer up your childcare or babysitting services as long as you are following the Government’s social distancing rules and regulations.

Another way to earn money is to offer virtual babysitting – scheduled chats over video calls so parents can focus on getting work done. Even though many parents are currently working from home, they still have kids they need to entertain – and this may be the perfect contactless way for you to make some money to help offset the impact of Coronavirus.

7. Be a Casual Dog Walker

Due to the Coronavirus lockdown, there are many busy people still working at home who may not be able to find the time to take their dog/s for regular walks. This is a great opportunity to offer your help – and get paid for it! You can work it around your own schedule and have contactless pick-up and drop-off of their furry friend.

Financial Help for Anyone Struggling with Debt

For many Australians, their money, job and education are currently on pause for the foreseeable future. It’s important to remember that during this time of uncertainty, if you’re struggling with debt, there is financial help available. Our qualified team at Debt Rescue are here to get your finances back on track and ease debt stress. We have a number of solutions available that can be tailored to your individual needs. Get in touch with us today on 1800 003 328 for a free, 30-minute consultation.